Life, Rhythms, Visions, Inspirations

Location: Nevada City, CA, United States

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

5 Sutras of the Aquarian Age

I mentioned in class that I would post the 5 Sutras of the Aquarian Age. Here they are. I suggest typing up, printing em out and posting them where you'll see them every day. This way they'll really become a part of you and will without a doubt manifest in your life.

1)Remember that the other person is you.
2)There is a way through every block
3)Understand through Compassion or you will misunderstand the times.
4)When the time is on you start, and the time will be off you.
5)Vibrate the Cosmos, Cosmos clear the path.

Monday, August 28, 2006

8/29/06: The Dawn of the Aquarian Age and The Call to Consciousness

“There is nothing more powerful than Kundalini Yoga to awaken your consciousness, to confront your ego and drop your fears. There is nothing more elegant, to build the strength of your nervous system and character. There is nothing more effective to develop the caliber to be happy in the midst of challenge, and grateful each moment of life. And there is nothing more profound that takes you to the core of your being to listen deeply and hear the pulse of the Creator, the naad and shabd guru, in all people and all things.”

Sat Nam,

I am pleased to tell you that we (as Sierra Kundalini Yoga—SKY) donated over $800 to the Briar Patch Co-Op Community Fund from the proceeds of the Celebrate Peace Events with Snatam Kaur a couple of weeks ago. Wahe Guru! It was a great community service and I thank all of you who came out and supported.

I have truly been enjoying the spirit of our classes recently and am humbled by the spirit that comes through in each one. The level of devotion and strength that comes through a person in a Kundalini Yoga Class is amazing!

The theme for this weeks class is “:The Dawn of the Aquarian Age: A Call To Consciousness”
The cusp period for the age of Pisces to go and the age of Aquarius to arrive is from the years 1991-2012. We’ve gone through a large part of this cusp already. As we know change can often be hard and it is prophesized that the shift into the Aquarian Age will be (is being) a difficult time for the human race and the planet earth. If there was one single thing that yogi bhajan spoke of more than anything, it was probably this shift into the Age of Aquarius and the changes that will take place. There is nothing more powerful, more effective and more practical than Kundalini Yoga for facing the challenge of the times, for building nerves of steel and for becoming a pillar of strength for those around you. See you there.

There are a lot of exciting events coming up in the fall. Make note of them and mark your calenders.

Friday October 6th Kirtan w/ Simrit Kaur and Jai Dev Singh
7pm, Wild Mt. Yoga $10

Saturday, Oct. 7th 10am-1pm, $30
The Yogi Warrior in the Modern Age:
A Kundalini Yoga intensive w/ Live Music
Conquer the stress of the times-- realize and manifest the spiritual warrior within you with powerful yogic techniques, practical lifestyle tools and Ayurvedic herbal tonics for strength and endurance. A real-life workshop for a real-life world.

October 20th-22nd
Sierra Kundalini Yoga Women’s Camp!
Taught by Senior Kundalini Teachers Awtar Kaur, Prabhu Nam Kaur, Sat Rattan Kaur and Sahib Amar Kaur
Featuring Kundalini Yoga Workshops for Women, Early Morning Sadhana (Practice) with Yoga and Chanting, Kirtan, Yogic Numerology, Belly dancing, Organic Vegetarian Food and More!
Donner Summit, California
$300 Weekend Package (2 nights accomodation, food, and all activities included)
Contact Jai Hari Kaur 530-268-3216

Saturday, December 2nd 10am-1pm, $30
The Opposite Sex pt.1
All About Men (For Women Only!)
A Kundalini Yoga Intensive w/ Live Music
When it comes to relationship, communication, love and sex, the yogic teachings have much to offer. This is a workshop for women on men (taught by a man!) Kundalini Yoga exercises and Meditations specifically for women's health and dialogue that will reveal what is happening beneath his gaurded surface and will offer many effective techniques to enhance your relationship with him.

The Opposite Sex Pt. 2
Things Men Usually Don’t Talk About (For Men Only)
A Kundalini Yoga Intensive
(Coming in the New Year TBA)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Kirtan Kriya

Out of all the many, many Kriyas in Kundalini Yoga, there are a few that are most precious. It is said that if you do nothing else, do these! They are Sat Kriya, Sodarchan Chakra Kriya, and Kirtan Kriya, all of them being incredibly powerful meditation techniques.
Click on the link to see how to do kirtan kriya

8/20/06: The Aquarian Teacher

Sat Nam Friends,

Each year Sat Santokh Singh holds the Aquarian Teacher Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in the bay area. This year it begins in early November and meets one weekend per month in to the early summer. Yogi Bhajan said that if you want to learn something then you read about it, if you want to understand it then you write about it, if you want to master it then you teach it. To be a teacher is to acknowledge the divinity within you and to utilize your most sacred human faculty, your creativity. To be a teacher is to simply empty yourself of your own personal agendas and allow God to work through you. Pushing your beliefs on someone is not teaching. A teacher is only effective when he/she has the intention to elevate and evolve the student and does so through the neutral mind. Yogi Bhajan called it the fork lift principle: you lower yourself down, put your forks under them, and lift them to your level—and eventually even higher than you. The formula Yogiji taught for being an effective teacher is—Poke, Provoke, Elevate. Many people have got the poke and provoke part down but fail to inspire. Others go for the inspiration without stirring anything up first. All are essential for an effective teacher. A teacher does not argue about right and wrong. A teacher is there with a teaching and allows God to take care of the rest. We are all teachers in our own right, and as far as Kundalini Yoga goes, many of you I believe have dharmas as teachers and will realize that within yourself when the time is right. Sometimes it just takes acknowledging it.
Teaching is not about being perfect, its about being. Like I said, to acknowledge yourself as a teacher is to acknowledge the most creative and divine essence of the universe existing right within you and allowing it to speak and move through you. This is why we chant Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo before any Kundalini Yoga class. By this you are saying, “Oh Lord Creator, Infinite Teacher, who is transparent and unseen, I bow to you”. With this mantra we empty ourselves of all our personal dramas and thinkings and we tune into the cosmic flow and the Golden Chain, the chain of teachers over thousands of years that has led to you! So we do not need to be perfect to teach, but we are truly perfect when we truly teach.
“Some people say it is wrong to teach when you are not perfect. But history has recorded again and again “perfect” teachers who have fallen. They begin to think they are great. Their ego grows and breaks the link to the Golden Chain. The reason you teach is to be an instrument of the cosmic flow. Anyone who teaches to be a teacher rather than to serve, will fall. To be a teacher is the ultimate human end…The problem is that Truth is infinite and cannot be captured in any mental or emotional imagination. Teaching is infinity. It is a flow of the same energy and reality. Therefore, no finite man can teach the truth. Through God’s Grace you may meet someone whom will love beyond emotion, beyond dedication, whom you love for the sake of love, You are inspired to obey him, and this opens true selflessness in you.” Yogi Bhajan

The Spiritual Teacher is the most royal job on the planet because it demands that you own up to your own excellence; not only when you’re teaching, but all the time. You can no longer be cheap with yourself, exploit yourself sexually, or represent your animal nature. All that is left for the teacher is their Human and Divine Potentials.

A Teachers Identity

--A Teacher gives you experience. A preacher gives you philosophy
--A teacher is the personal honor of God Himself.
--A teacher is an institution for help, service, and raising people’s consciousness, no an individual.
--A teacher must go through calamity with a radiant smile.
--A teacher deals with another person with a humble imperial majesty.
--A teacher appears in utmost grace. She or he doesn’t try to appeal to the Earth.
--A teacher is straight, talks straight, and lives straight.
--A teacher has a width of heart and deep understanding.
--A teacher answers the call of duty with grace and compassion.
--As a teacher you must look smart, be smart, talk straight; never be right or wrong; always be neutral. Speak through your neutral mind.
--You can learn from a teacher by questioning, or you can learn from a teacher by blessing.
--Serve all, and all shall serve you.
--When confronted by negativity, take altitude, then change attitutude.

Visit for more info on teachers training, or get the brochure from me.
Please email me if you are interested in attending a meeting on building our Kundalini Community. See ya Wedneday,

Your Brother in Divine,

Jai Dev Singh

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Guru Gayatri Audio

Here is an audio link to Snatam Kaur leading a meditation with the Guru Gayatri Mantra (see blog below).

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Snatam workshop slideshow

Here is a link to a multi-media slideshow done by The Union of Snatam Kaur's workshop at St. Joseph's last week. Enjoy

Yoga Blog 8/12/06

Sat Nam Friends,

Much love and grattitude to all of those who came out to the workshop and concert with Snatam Kaur. Both were a success and the feedback has been great. So many people have expressed how powerful the events were, and I am excited for the many possibilities of future workshops and events with other wonderful teachers and classes. The Kundalini Yoga community is saturated with outstanding and amazing teachers and I feel truly blessed to be a part of this family. Many people comment on how much they enjoy my classes, but to me I am simply a by-product of the many, many inspirational teachers that I’ve had the opportunity to sit with. I very much hope that many of you will be able to meet some of them and as the Kundalini Yoga community grows here in Nevada county I’m sure that will happen. On that note, there has been some discussion of creating a non-profit organization to continue to build our community here. Within the next couple of weeks I would like to have a meeting to brainstorm community building ideas. Anyone who is interested and inspired to help is encouraged to come. I’ll let you know the details soon.
For those of you who weren’t able to make it to last Wed.’s yoga class, we worked with the very powerful mantra Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru. This mantra makes miracles (like I said in class, “don’t believe me, try it!”) Over the many years that I have been using it, it has never failed me. It is most effective for calling on the divine when nothing else seems to work. But you don’t have to wait till everything else fails you before you chant. We all have our habits. When stress comes some of us utter the mantras “oh my god, oh my god, I can’t, I can’t, everything is going wrong, damnitt, I’m screwed etc…” We all have our mantras. You make the decision which one’s to use. If over time we can learn to shift our negative thought patterns into positive one’s (through mantra), then the outcome is a calm stable and serene state of mind, and ultimately True Happiness. So next time stress arises, see what happens. At first you might freak out for an hour before you remember the mantra. But after a while that interval of time will shorten untill before you know it stressful situations will no longer trigger a stressful mind state. Instead it will trigger the depths of your devotion, the longing for peace and freedom that is deep within all of us, our innermost longing for the experience of Everlasting Happiness, the experience of God. Imagine it. Really…take a few moments and imagine what life would be like if the potentially stressful situations in your life triggered a devotional response within you. It’s a reality that is at your fingertips if you choose to make it so. All of us have emotions. Our emotions can become Commotion, or they can become Devotion, its up to you.
With a regular yoga practice, you carve a one-way path within the psyche for this mind state to be the norm. The emotional roller coaster will finally smooth out. Its no longer an up and down life filled with superficial highs and depressing lows. It’s a smooth stream down the middle road that is detached from both the “glamour” and the darkness of the outside world. It is a path that is rooted in ultimate trust, love and peace. Not only does the science of kundalini yoga literally lay this path out before your feet, it propels you forward with great speed! Use these mantras and let me know your experiences. I’ll share some of mine with you in the future as well.

For now, print out the following mantra and try to become familiar with it. We’ll be using it in a class soon. It is the Guru Gayatri mantra of Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th master of the Sikhs. It is used for many purposes but especially invokes the warrior spirit within you. When chanted regularly it manifests the spiritual warrior as well as prosperity.


This mantra can eliminate the karmic blocks and errors of the past. It has the power to purify one’s magnetic field, making it easier to relax and meditate. It is a protective mantra, an ashtang mantra (having eight parts). Besides helping cleanse the subconscious mind, it balances the hemispheres of the brain, bringing compassion and patience to the one who meditates on it. The words of the mantra are describing specific qualities of the Creator: Sustaining, Liberating, Enlightening, Infinite, Destroying, Creating, Nameless, Desireless.

We will not be using this in the Wed. morning class but instead, I am organizing a special class where we will do a 31 minute kriya using this mantra. Powerful! Stay tuned.

This wedneday we will explore a much simpler mantra. Be ready to manifest anything you wish in your life; are you ready for that? See you there--
8:30am, Wild Mt. Yoga.
Blessings to you all,
Jai Dev Singh

Yoga Blog 8/6/06

Sat Nam,

Starting this coming Wednesday morning we will be learning a new mantra and/or meditation from the science of Kundalini Yoga that you can take with you into your life and use it. I am feeling inspired to offer you the very practical and very powerful tools of Kundalini Yoga so that you may experience greater harmony in your life and simply have a deeper and grounded experience of this life we live in. I hope many of you are planning on joining us at Snatam Kaur's workshop and concert this coming Tuesday and Thursday at ST. Joseph's. Last I checked the ticket sales for the workshop were quite low. Don't miss it, opportunities like this don't happen all the time, so take the time to join us as a community, as a sadh sangat, the community of truth. I've been feeling that I would like to share more of my thoughts and contemplations with all of you (or at these those of you who will take the time to listen/read, and perhaps even respond), and perhaps you may be moved to make it to class more often or strengthen your home practice or even become a teacher yourself and start your own class (teacher training in SF starting in the fall, one weekend per month). You see, the yogic path is inherently HARD. So to the yogi whatever help we can get to stay motivated is very much welcomed. This is why community is Sooooo important to the yogi on the spiritual path, cus its damn near impossible to keep steady and strong in our society without the sadh sangat (the Company of the True). Even if its just one yoga class per week, well ok thats a great start. You see, these are not MY classes, their OUR classes, and they couldn't happen without YOU. I may be the one at the front acting like I know what I'm talking about, but its really all of us that make the magic happen, that create the bliss we all experience when the little hour and a half is all said and done. You with me? So the almighty great God has me sitting there and with His Grace I am able to hold the space for you to have an experience of your self. If not during any other time during the whole week, hopefully between 8:30-10am on Wednesdays you may for a moment understand your greatness, understand your potential. We don't even know our power, we don't even realize how simple and easy the creation has been created for us and how difficult we make it. So with that in mind I believe that we can each come to a place with in ourselve where we realize our worth, where we realize our potential, where we realize our truth, and where we truthfully Love ourselves. And it is only from that place that we may truly begin to love others, that we are truly happy to see others and can truly talk to each other straight, simply and with a smile. When it is no longer a chore to go about our lives, but a joy and an excitement that is sustained infinitely. Yogi Bhajan says that 50% of your nueroses would be gone if you only trusted that the one who created you, the one who turns the earth for you, will also take care of your routine. 50% just from truly trusting. Trusting that everything is taking care of every day, all day. Money, relationships, drama, all of it. The other 50% comes from simply looking within yourself for truth and not looking outside. He said the ugliest thing that has happened in the last 2,000 years is that we have been trying to find God outside of ourselves. When drama and discontent arise we tend to look to the other person. Don't we? They did this, or they really pissed me off, if you just would't do that then I would be happier.......It doesn't work, it has never worked and it never will work. The ultimate truth and happiness does not have to be looked for, its right within you. Sounds easy right? Unfortunately we're so confused and acculturated into modern society that we don't even know where to start. We don't have the context, the know how, or the strength to even begin to look to ourselves for love, for truth, joy and happiness.
This is where the science of Kundalini Yoga is invaluable. It is a time tested tool. Is Kundalini Yoga dangerous? Yes. With Kundalini Yoga you cannot be an idiot, you cannot act ignorant and cannot be lied to. Its incredibly dangerous isn't it.
So this week we will work with the mantra: Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru
Perhaps the greatest blessing in my life is this mantra. It has never failed me. This isn't any kind of secret mantra or initiation. There is no initiation in Kundalini Yoga. Yogiji always said if you can't initiate yourself, than initiation is worth nothing. IThere are lots of mantras and techniques in yoga that work, this is one of them. And it REALLY works. I'll tell you all about it on Wednesday, God willing. The following Wednesday I will teach the Guru Gayatri Mantra of Guru Gobind Singh, the Warrior Saint of the Sikhs. The topic of next weeks verse. Until then, see you at Snatam Kaur's Workshop Tuesday!!

Your Brother in Divine,

Jai Dev Singh
Lion of God's Victory