Location: Nevada City, CA, United States

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Cultivation of the Divine Relation

This Week:Kundalini Yoga w/ Jai Dev Singh, All Levels Welcome, $15 drop in or $70 for 6 classes--Wednesday, 8:30am @ Wild Mt. Yoga Studio
This Weeks Class: The Cultivation of the Divine Relation


Sat Nam,

This coming Wednesday (9/20) is officially the last Wednesday morning yoga class. After this week class will be on Tuesday evenings at 5:30pm, same place. So the first Tuesday evening class will take place on Sept. 26th. I hope this is a time that will allow even more of you to attend. Evening classes are a bit of a different energy; equally wonderful but just different. Come and see.
This past Wednesday’s class seemed especially powerful (for me at least). We powered through a kriya for “Adjusting the Body to Elevate the Spirit” (which by the way is featured in the latest “Aquarian Times” Magazine—go to and sign up for a free subscription). The meditation however was especially beautiful and I was feeling quite blissful just holding space. The energy had the spirit of a white tantric yoga meditation on top of the Jemez Mountains in New Mexico (see the picture below).
Ya know its funny, most of us understand that our problems, our routine, our challenges are taken care of. We understand that “the one who turns the earth for us will also take care of our routine”, the ins and outs of our lives. The one who turns the earth for us, who created us, who created the trees and plants, the sun and stars, the majesty of all creation, will also take care of our little stresses (that we tend to make really big!) We understand it don’t we? We understand it theoretically. The real question is do we experience it on a day to day basis, or even on a hour to hour and a minute to minute basis. That is the real question and it takes some real work in order to answer that question with a confident and joyful—Yes! It is something that must be worked on. Each and every one of us not only owe it to ourselves, but we owe it to each other. We owe it to our families, our children. It is time for us as spiritual beings living temporarily in these human bodies to master our emotions. It is time to unshackle the chains of the mind and ego and to invoke the Divine Trust that we are capable of. So how do we do that? Well, the truth of the matter is that it takes real work. It is not something that we can only understand and not practice. It is easy to say that we trust in God when everything is smooth and life is flowing with ease. But what about when the stresses come, the little stresses and the big stresses, do we still remain in our state of trust? It is constant all day everyday work! There must be technique, there must be a plan that we have created for ourselves and that we are committed to adhere to. These are the initial steps to create an everlasting Trust that will result in lasting joy and happiness and a life free from fear and stress. We will no longer lack anything, and we will have everything.
The first commitment is Sadhana. We talk about Sadhana as spiritual practice, and in this respect Sadhana is about creating a relationship with your Creator. If you have no relationship with the Divine, how do you expect to trust the Divine? We must have a regular practice that keeps us connected, that keeps us powering forward on the path to peace and purity. This is a must. Whether it starts with one yoga class a week or it is 2 ½ hours every morning at 4am, we must do something.
The second commitment is bringing our Sadhana with us in our day. If we do Sadhana all morning long and then freak out at the first stressor that comes our way, what good is it? This is Aradhana, bringing the Sadhana into the world and is often the toughest part. There are many levels of bringing our spirituality in the world. We do it through intention, through the types of jobs we do, to the people we surround ourselves with; these are all important elements in our lives where Spirit is absolutely needed. But it is also maintaining the connection with the Divine all day every day, and this is where many people fall short. We must cultivate a relationship with the Divine that is so intimate, so close and so real that we are spontaneously in “conversation” with our God all day long. When a potential stressor arises, we no longer become stressed, but rather a reaction that calls to the Creator to take care of it. I am speaking vague here because it looks different for each person. We all have our unique ways of relating to the Infinite. What is not different is the presence. God is always everywhere, but when God is allowed to work wherever you are, then that’s powerful. It is actually quite simple. We have fear when we think things are going wrong. So we only need to give up the responsibility. How nice, its no longer your stress, its God’s stress. God created you, created this mess that makes the stress, so give it away, its not yours.
Cultivate the relationship to the Divine, then you will experience Prabhupati, Mastery. The relationship cannot be cultivated some of the time, it is all of the time. When we wake we do our practice, when we eat we do our practice, when we lie down to bed we do our practice. For the yogi, there is no time when the relationship isn’t being cultivated. When we speak to our boss or co-worker, when we play with our children, when we are at the grocery store and see someone know; when we are intimidated by another. If we maintain the consciousness of Cultivation of the Divine Relation, which is the consciousness of growth and evolution, then we harness a power that is far greater than ourselves. We harness the power that destroys our insecurities, worries and fears. We harness the most potent power in the Universe, and the deeper our relationship becomes the more potent the power becomes. This is the path of the yogi. There is no room for lethargy. If you want true joy, true happiness and unlimited power, then simply relate to the Divine in everything you do, look for growth in everything you do, don’t settle for anything but greatness and gracefulness, and at the same time be ok with where you are in the present. This is the balance that creates peace and tranquility in the mind. If we are always working towards growth but unhappy with where we are now, then we are neurotic. If we are happy where we are now and care not for growth, then we are lethargic and neurotic. We must have the balance.
Incorporate things into your routine that keep this consciousness alive. Otherwise it becomes hidden beneath the illusion of the world. It is an ongoing process. That’s the beauty of creation, if it were easy the fruits wouldn’t be so sweet.
Sat Nam


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